
Turn Your Scrub Jackets into Gowns

In my previous post about head coverings, I also showed you some of the new Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) we are wearing at our office.  One aspect about our new “gowns” (backwards jackets) is that they are waist length.  We prefer our gowns to cover all the way down to our knees.  Due to the current shortages in obtaining knee length gowns, this video shows how to turns scrub jackets into knee length gowns with readily available resources.  With this technique, we have the proper PPE that is washable and sustainable, as recommended by the CDC.

A simple and creative way to make washable head coverings

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is a necessary measure to safely treat patients.  A head covering is a form of PPE that can be used in healthcare settings.  During this time of limited resources, I came up an idea to make four head coverings from a pair of pajama pants that are washable, kid friendly, and very simple to make!

Back to Work Letter to Patients

Dear families,

The Governor’s mandate to limit care to emergencies only has been lifted as of April 30, 2020.  In our nation’s early phase as we return to the “new normal,” our office plans to start seeing routinely scheduled patients June 1.  We will continue to see our patients who need urgent and emergent care throughout the month of May.

Our office will re-open in the following phases:

Phase 1 – Obtain appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) + Staff preparation/training for the “new normal.”

Phase 2 – Address urgent dental needs that have been delayed (ie, patients that have cavities and need fillings).

Phase 3 – Get back on track with routine recall care for all our patients.

To abide to the current social distancing guidelines and for the safety of our families and staff, many previously scheduled appointments will need to be rescheduled.


If your child had a dental appointment scheduled between March 16 – May 31 it will need to be rescheduled.

You have several rescheduling options, and we will do our absolute best to accommodate your family’s needs.

Option A: I want to reschedule my child as soon as possible.

Option B: I want to reschedule my child sometime this summer before school starts.

Option C: I prefer to “skip” the previously scheduled recall appointment and reschedule 6 months from that day.

Option D: Other

Please email us at and provide your child’s name, a good contact number and your option of choice.  You may also submit your information through the “Contact us” tab on this website. We will call you within the next several weeks to reschedule your appointments.  Thank you for your patience!

There will be significant changes to the flow of your child’s dental appointment.  Information regarding these changes will be posted in the next few weeks on our website blog:  You can also follow our FB page @adair.pedo for continued updates.

We are truly appreciative of your patience throughout this process!  Please call us if you have any questions or concerns.

We are so excited to see our patient families soon!


Dr. Adair and Staff

Nitrous Oxide FAQ’s

Nitrous Oxide “Laughing Gas” FAQ’s

What is Nitrous Oxide and how is it used in dentistry?

Nitrous Oxide is a colorless, odorless gas that is used to help reduce pain and anxiety for dental procedures.  Nitrous oxide is used in combination with oxygen for dental procedures.  Levels are easily and quickly adjustable to patient comfort. 

Can my child eat before his/her appointment?

We encourage your child to eat a light meal two hours before the appointment.  To reduce the risk of nausea, avoid heavy meals such as hamburgers and french fries prior to the appointment.

Will my child be sedated?

No.  Nitrous oxide alone will not sedate your child.  Your child will be able to communicate and respond to questions. 

What are the side effects of Nitrous Oxide?

Nitrous oxide has a proven long history of being and safe and effective during dental procedures.  A rare side effect is nausea or vomiting during the procedure.

Can my child go back to school after having Nitrous Oxide?

Yes.  Recovery from nitrous oxide is rapid.  Your child will breathe 100% Oxygen for six minutes at the end of his/her appointment to remove all the effects of the nitrous oxide.  Your child may return to normal activities unless otherwise instructed.

Can my child eat after having Nitrous Oxide?

Yes, your child may eat after the procedure if no local anesthesia was administered.  If local anesthesia was administered, your child will be numb for the next 2-3 hours and may have liquids or soft foods that do not require chewing.  Once the numbness has worn away, your child may resume a normal diet unless otherwise instructed. 

Dr. Amy Adair purchases Dr. Carol Wooddell’s pediatric dental practice

Author: Dr. Amy Adair

This first blog is an introduction of how my family found our way to Northern Virginia.

My husband and I moved to Burke, VA in 2012.  We were very fortunate to be “co-located” for our military assignments.  I was stationed in Bethesda, MD and my husband, Steve, in Quantico, VA.  We decided to move to here because it seemed to be a good compromise for both of our commutes.

Shortly after moving here, a neighbor introduced me to her good friend Dr. Carol Wooddell.  I was contemplating transitioning out of the military, so I started working a couple days a month in her office.   It didn’t take long to realize that Dr. Wooddell had created something special.  Over the past several years I have gotten to know her staff very well, and I have met many of her patients.

To be completely honest, it was a difficult decision for my husband and I to both separate from our active duty military careers.  The transition into civilian life and figuring out “what we want to do when we grow up” came with a lot of unanticipated stressors.   Our friends, neighbors, the schools and the entire Burke community made it clear, though, that this is where we want to raise our family.

I do not take for granted the opportunity to continue the legacy Dr. Wooddell has created.  I am honored that she has “passed the baton” to me and I look forward to meeting and serving our local families for many years to come!